Monday, 28 April 2014

Blog every day in May challenge...

Hi All

Hope you are all well. Had a mad few weeks so haven't had chance to do any blogging. I am busy arranging my daughter's christening at the moment and it seems to have taken  a good way! I love planning events! But a blogger I follow just posted the link to the above challenge and it caught my eye. Read the original post here.

The challenge is to blog something everyday in May! My little blog is still in the early stages after having a solely crafting blog for so long, but I thought this might be an exciting challenge to try! Here are the prompts for the month if you feel like joining in:

Day 1, Thursday
Goal setting.  What are your plans for today?  (And/or this week?  This month?  This year?)
Day 2, Friday: 
What’s in your cup?
Day 3, Saturday: 
Write a Less/More list.  (For example, less watching - more dancing.)
Day 4, Sunday: 
What’s a compliment you have been given that has stuck with you? Who gave it to you? When? Where?
Day 5, Monday: 
Write a ‘How to’ post teaching everyone … well, how to do something! Cooking, crafting, or anything else that takes your fancy.
Day 6, Tuesday:
 A favourite photo of you.
Day 7, Wednesday:  
Where are you writing from today?
Day 8, Thursday:  
Share a book that you’d like to read, but haven’t yet.  What draws you to it?
Day 9, Friday:  
5 things you love on a Friday.
Day 10, Saturday: 
A fashion, beauty or life tip.
Day 11, Sunday:  
Go for a photo walk.  (It’s a walk where you take lots of great photos and share them.)
Day 12, Monday:  
Tell us how your blog got its name (and tagline).
Day 13, Tuesday: 
Write a poem or piece of creative prose.
Day 14, Wednesday: 
Make us laugh.  Share a funny story or picture.
Day 15, Thursday: 
Create or share a poster, card or artwork that shares a message that inspires you.
Day 16, Friday: 
Blogging is about sharing the love.  Tell us about 5 blogs that you love reading regularly.
Day 17, Saturday: 
A day in the life.  Photo journal your day today.
Day 18, Sunday: 
10 things that make you happy.
Day 19, Monday:
Dream job?
Day 20, Tuesday: 
Who inspires you?
Day 21, Wednesday: 
What’s on your plate?
Day 22, Thursday: 
Share a video clip that you are loving at the moment.  It could be as simple as a song on YouTube or an inspirational speaker on TED Talks.
Day 23, Friday:
Write a post about a particularly good or controversial comment someone left you.
Day 24, Saturday: 
If you could have 3 people to dinner tonight, who would you invite?
Day 25, Sunday: 
A list for the week ahead.
Day 26, Monday: 
Invite someone to guest post for you.
Day 27, Tuesday: 
Share a project you’ve been working on.
Day 28, Wednesday: 
Family.  What do you love?  Best traits? What crazy genetics do you have in common?  Fave photo?
Day 29, Thursday: 
What have you said ‘yes’ to today?
Day 30, Friday: 
Best advice you’ve received lately.
Day 31, Saturday: 

There is no requirement to follow the prompts directly-you could post whatever you like, they are just there as a guide. Thanks so much for the challenge Sunday! Check out her blog 'Love Happy Daily!'

Here's to a fun blog-filled May!!


Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Chick Lit Plus Blog Tour: A Questionable Friendship by Samantha March

Hi All

A little something different for you today. I am delighted to be writing a book review for a blog tour for Chick Lit Plus website! Below you will find some information about the author and book that I was kindly given to review, as well as my honest opinion. I hope you enjoy it!

'A Questionable Friendship' by Samantha March

Samantha March is an author, editor, publisher, blogger, and all around book lover. She runs the popular book/women’s lifestyle blog ChickLitPlus, which keeps her bookshelf stocked with the latest reads and up to date on all things health, fitness, fashion, and celebrity related. In 2011 she launched her independent publishing company Marching Ink and has three published novels – Destined to Fail, The Green Ticket and A Questionable Friendship. When she isn’t reading, writing, or blogging, you can find her cheering for the Green Bay Packers. Samantha lives in Iowa with her husband and Vizsla puppy.

Connect with Samantha!


Brynne Ropert and Portland Dolish have been best friends since being paired as roommates in college. Seven years later they are now twenty-five, married, and living in Maine–– but the two women couldn’t be more different. Brynne finds fulfillment in her life as a wife, mother and owner of a small café and bookshop, but is struggling to expand her family. Portland is still coping with her mother’s death during her childhood, and her marriage is unraveling before her eyes. Portland envies her friend’s seemingly stable and easy life while Brynne doesn’t understand the growing distance between them and cannot begin to guess what secret Portland is hiding about her husband and crumbling marriage. While one woman feels shut out, the other enters into a web of lies to protect herself.
A Questionable Friendship explores what really makes someone a true friend, a support system, a sister. How much trust goes into a friendship and when is being a friend not enough? Brynne and Portland’s story will attempt to answer those questions, and show that happily ever after isn’t in the cards for everyone.

My Review:

What is a true friendship? Do we ever really know someone? As a good friend, should we be able to read what is going on behind closed doors? 'A Questionable Friendship' makes us consider all of these dilemmas. March takes us on a journey of two women's long standing friendship, and how it changes and develops over a short space of time. Both Brynne and Portland are likeable characters and it is clear to the reader that they are really good friends. The dual narrative allows us to experience how both women feel about each other and how they deal with issues that arise in their daily lives. The two women both experience tough times but struggle to talk to each other about it...perhaps until it is too late. A mixture of pride, jealousy and fear stops them from really confiding in each other when it really matters. Many women will relate to this in their own lives and with their own friendships. There is always that one thing that you want to keep from your friends, there is always a feeling at one time or another that your friend is keeping something from you and how we deal with this is discussed in this novel. 

'A Questionable Friendship' is a 'can't put me down' read. Once you start you have to keep going to find out whether Brynne and Portland will confide in each other. March was clever in her creation of the two best friends, you really feel like you know them and go along on this journey with them. The other more minor characters are also created well to emphasise the different lives that they lead-Brynne's husband and daughter are adorable, with Portland's husband constantly shown with a side of mystery. Despite this truly being about a friendship between two women, the ending was not what I expected at all. Even though a clue is given to us at the beginning, March keeps the reader in suspense and hits them with the ending that was unpredictable but extremely moving. 

The characters, storyline, dual narrative and surprise ending all make this book one to read. March invites you into the world of Brynne and Portland to experience what you would think to be a 'true friendship.' Even more insight into the key dilemmas would make this novel even better but the reluctance to give too many details away allows March to add a mystery to what the women face and allow the reader the chance to come to their own conclusions after finishing reading. A truly wonderful and moving story of two friends which makes us question our own friendships, definitely worth a look.


Do you fancy a read? Then you have the opportunity to win a gift card for Amazon, perhaps one of your purchases could be 'A Questionable Friendship!' Just enter using the rafflecopter link below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hope you enjoyed reading my review! I hope to join in with a few more book blog tours if possible as reading is a true passion of mine. Thanks to Chick Lit Plus for allowing me to be a part of it and check Samantha's book out, you won't be disappointed! 

Thanks for popping by!

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Christmas in April!

Hi All

Hope you have all had a good week! I was lucky enough to grab a few hours whilst hubby was on baby duty, to have a go at a bit more card making. Think I finally may have my mojo back! Nothing amazing but glad to be back crafting again. So this week I decided I'd do some Christmas cards. My friend said something to me earlier in the week that made me think why I'd managed to craft last was because my cards had a purpose! Well, I am all prepared for birthdays that are coming up so thought I'd turn to Christmas! I am a huge fan of Christmas and love everything to do with it. My preparations have already started-I've already got ahead with my present buying in the January sales! So I loved having a go at some cards today. Once again I thought I'd have a go at some new challenges. My first card is using a lovely Lili of the Valley image, some Papermania papers and a digi stamp sentiment that I have printed onto Kraft card. I would like to enter this in the 'Sweet Stampin' Christmas' challenge which is 'It's Cold Outside'-I decided to opt for something different to snowmen and blue colours, hope that's ok! The little kittens do look freezing though!

My next card is using another gorgeous Lili of the Valley image of a little girl with a poinsettia. I used some papers that I have had in my stash for ages that were free from a magazine! Determined to use some of my stash up before buying anymore! Also trying to have a no spend April on crafty things!! I'd like to enter this into the 'Christmas Cards All Year Round' challenge which is 'Poinsettias.'

The image for my next card was chosen by my daughter! Lol! She is just starting to grip things (she's 12 weeks old) and so this was the image she gripped when she was sat on my knee for a moment! Luckily it was still in one piece! Again, another Lili of the Valley image-can you tell I found some of these in my stash today ;)) and this is for the 'Sparkles Christmas Challenge' which is 'Inspired by a Christmas Carol or Song.' My carol is 'Away in a Manger' as it is a little scene from the nativity.

I really was on a roll today so I made a further two cards! This next one was using some decoupage from a Trimcraft booklet I bought last year. I shamefully had not even broken the seal on it and thought it was about time I did! I used the fabulous sketch for the 'Christmas Challenges with Sketches' and really enjoyed using it-think it will definitely be one I use again. I would also like to enter this card into the 'ABC Christmas Challenge' which is 'G for Glitter.' I went a bit mad with my stickles on this card! It hasn't shown up that well on the photograph but trust me, there is stickles everywhere!! I also love the 'pinkness' of this card lol! It was nice to do a bit of pyramage too!

And my final card today was a colour challenge over at 'Craftyhazelnuts Christmas Challenge' which is 'seeing red...a little or a lot.' I decided on showing a lot! I love this little image of the dog and all of the presents! I really like how it has come out-I thought it might not look right with all of the red but I feel it looks delightfully festive! I'd also like to enter this into 'Craftyhazelnuts Christmas Challenge Extra' which is 'Anything Goes.' The papers on this one were a mixture of Papermania and some I picked up at a craft show. Glad to have used some of my stash today!

Well, that's your lot for now! Got a few exciting things coming up...I'm part of a blogging book tour this week so I will be posting a review for a book called 'A Questionable Friendship' on Tuesday for the 'Chick Lit Plus' website. I will also be sorting out some blog candy-just because! Who needs a reason to have some blog candy?! Well, if I need to give a reason it would be to celebrate getting back to crafting and back to regular blogging on my new blog! So watch out for those!

Hope you enjoyed looking at my creations today-nothing amazing but excited that I'm getting back into cardmaking after taking such a long break! Feel like I should go and watch a Christmas film now...

Thanks for popping by.